Who invents the future of learning?

  1. Vision — Where are we aiming?
  2. Model — What are we trying to build?
  3. Team — What team might get us there?
  4. Nervous System
  5. Timeline


Our mission is to promote independence by reuniting learning and living. That means we believe the future of learning should look more like the future of work than the future of school.

  • Environment ➡ conservancies
  • Spirituality ➡ churches
  • Commerce ➡ corporations
  • Learning ➡ …?

💸 + 👶⏳👩 + 🗺 ➡ 🏫

We need better schools, but we also need better ways of making things like schools

📈 v. 💡

  1. Do something world class…
  2. …largely precluded by existing conditions
  3. …so that we learn and gain access
  4. …while building a new kind of R&D
  5. …which develops new stories, tools, materials, people, and policies
  6. …to shift the balance of resources devoted to improvement over invention


What's the work?

Who are the people?


400+ people from all over the country, across education, the arts, design, and technology.

  • Program design
  • Program of study
  • School design and operations
  • Computation, narrative, design

How are Powderhouse staff involved?
